Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Bible Reading

Are there right and wrong ways to do it?

I don't mean Bible study; I know there are a bunch of recommended methods depending on what you want to learn and what you are doing.

But I have never read all of the Bible and I want to. For now, I'm zipping through the New Testament. I started out hunting and pecking, but when that wasn't getting me anywhere, I settled down to a pace of 3-5 chapters a night. I started at the end and read the book of Revelation straight through.

In hindsight, this was probably a mistake, because not only do Biblical scholars disagree on its meaning, but it presupposes a lot of knowledge I didn't have. The thing is, I'm not sorry I started out there; it was sort of a preview of things to come.

Plus, I love a challenge. This trait gets me into trouble sometimes.

Anyway, after the interesting but hair-raising experience of reading the end before the middle, I went back to Matthew and read through the Gospels and am now working through the rest of the New Testament.

When it comes to the Old Testament, I will probably read a few chapters and then switch off with Psalms or Proverbs, because I remember finding Genesis slow going in the past. I do like the translation I'm using, though. The language isn't as poetic as the language in the King James version, but the texts make more sense to me.


Denbigh said...


What is wrong with you woman!?

lol. In some bibles they have a reading guide at the back....
...that's all i've got :P

Stef said...

The last chapter is pretty cool ...