Saturday, February 3, 2007

I'm mad now.

Large organizations are using the excuse of copyright infringement to curtail activities where no such infringement was my opinion.

I could cite the examples of experiences friends have had with music and television programs, but I won't, because I'm talking about the NFL.

The church I attend had planned to have a SuperBowl party, with food and childcare, so that everyone who wanted to could watch with their friends...and the NFL said no.

First the church was told that it couldn't ask people to chip in for food, because that was "charging admission". Even when it was explained that the donations were for food and not for watching the game, it was still thumbs down. Okay then; the party was still on.

But now (I quote from the church's website),

the NFL believes we would be in violation of the Copyright Act, because we had planned to show the game on a screen bigger than a 55 inch diagonal. We have appealed to their legal counsel and exhausted all options without success. We have been informed that the only exceptions to view the game are given to sports bars and restaurants.

Since it's cancel the event or go to court, the event is being cancelled.

I don't get it, but I'm really disappointed.

1 comment:

Stef said...

That's just crazy.

What if you watched it on a bunch of <55" TVs? Next year, I mean...