Monday, February 12, 2007

Letting God drive

I can be a bit of a control freak.

This is a useful quality when I'm at work and I'm trying to make sure I've done everything properly.

It's not so good when applied to my life as a whole.

I originally came to faith when I encountered something I couldn't deal with; I asked God for help, and He came through. But it's still hard for me! When things are going well, I want to drive because I feel like I know where I'm going. When things are going not-so-well, I want to drive because I panic and try to grab the wheel.

Adults make their own decisions, right?

Yes and no. Yes, I do, but I pray about things first. If I omit this, I find I'm invariably reminded that I've left out something crucial.

I wish it wasn't so hard. I have to learn the same lesson over and over.

(I deleted a previous post about the kaffiyeh as fashion trend because I thought it was too open to misinterpretation. Link goes to a New York Times article. Instead I have substituted my regularly-scheduled navel-gazing.)

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